Work from Home to Office Transition: 7 Lessons We Learned

by Uday Gohel, Co-Founder & CTO

Work from Home to Office Transition: 7 Lessons We Learned

Earlier this year, we took the bold step of transitioning our entire team back to the office full-time after two years of remote work. While the transition wasn't without its challenges, it provided valuable insights into the dynamics of hybrid work and the importance of adaptability. In this blog post, we'll share seven key lessons we learned from this transition and how they've shaped our approach to work in the post-pandemic era.

Top tip

Getting one of those old-timey punch clocks is a great way to monitor attendance while maintaining a fun atmosphere. Expect to hear things like “Back at the coalface today!”.

Lesson 1: The Value of Face-to-Face Interaction

One of the most significant benefits of returning to the office has been the opportunity for face-to-face interaction. While video calls and instant messaging tools have been essential for maintaining communication during remote work, there's no substitute for in-person collaboration. Being able to read body language, share ideas spontaneously, and build stronger team connections has been invaluable.

Lesson 2: Flexibility is Key

While we've returned to the office full-time, we recognize the importance of flexibility in today's work environment. Offering hybrid work options allows employees to balance their professional and personal lives more effectively, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Lesson 3: Emphasizing Mental Health

The transition back to the office highlighted the need to prioritize mental health and well-being. The lines between work and home became blurred during remote work, and it's crucial to establish boundaries and support systems to prevent burnout and stress.

Lesson 4: Reevaluating Office Space

Returning to the office prompted us to reevaluate our physical workspace. We've focused on creating collaborative environments that foster creativity and innovation while also providing quiet spaces for focused work. Investing in ergonomic furniture and technology has also been a priority to support employee health and productivity.

Lesson 5: Strengthening Company Culture

Maintaining a strong company culture has been a top priority throughout the transition. Regular team-building activities, open communication channels, and shared values help keep everyone aligned and engaged, whether they're working remotely or in the office.

Lesson 6: Technology as an Enabler

The role of technology has evolved from a temporary solution to a permanent enabler of flexible work arrangements. Investing in robust IT infrastructure and collaboration tools ensures seamless communication and productivity, regardless of where employees are located.

Lesson 7: Embracing Change

Perhaps the most important lesson we've learned is the importance of embracing change. The transition from remote work to the office was a significant shift for everyone, but it also presented new opportunities for growth and innovation. By staying adaptable and open to new ways of working, we've been able to navigate the challenges of the transition more effectively.


The transition from remote work to the office full-time has been a learning experience for our team, highlighting the importance of face-to-face interaction, flexibility, mental health support, and technology in today's work environment. By embracing these lessons, we've been able to create a more balanced and resilient workplace that values both collaboration and individual well-being. As we continue to adapt to the changing dynamics of work, these insights will continue to guide our approach and help us thrive in the post-pandemic era.

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